A semi-rest day with a short distance of just under 10 miles. How does the body react after the 47 km the day before? Along the river Maas to Roermond.
Continue reading “Maas-Niederrheinpad: branden tussen Swalmen en Roermond”Running around the world with Type 1 Diabetes
A semi-rest day with a short distance of just under 10 miles. How does the body react after the 47 km the day before? Along the river Maas to Roermond.
Continue reading “Maas-Niederrheinpad: branden tussen Swalmen en Roermond”Is 1,000 km in 4 months a lot or not? After completing the GVRAT I still don't know, it's such a different type of race compared to one where you just run 40, 50 or 60 km in a day. And what do I do with the month and a half I have still left?
Continue reading “De Grote Vriendelijke RAT”